Friday, June 19, 2009

*It's all blurry...

It is all blurry.
It used to be 20/20.
It used to be so black and shades of grey.
It used to have strict obvious line not to cross.
It used to have magnificent qualities....and such amazing character.
Where then does it go. Is it lost?
Did I just push it to the back burner?
Or is it gone forever. Never to be seen or touched again.
You came along...and then all of it just seemed to disappear.
One would think I would notice it slipping farther and farther away.
Why didn't I stop it? Why didn't I hold on to it a little closer...a little tighter?
If it was something so precious to me, why did I let it slip away.
I saw it...I saw it slipping away. I could even feel it distancing itself from me.
As i just watched....i watched it get more and more out of reach...
Untill it was all just a blur....

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